Dinosaur Collector News
For the latest hottest breaking info on what is happening with in the dynamic world of dinosaur toys.? If you are ready for the detailed analysis of who makes what and where you can get it, read the Dino Collector column in Prehistoric Times magazine? Purchase your copy of Prehistoric Times at the news stand or subscribe now? Above the Site A icon will take you our vast selection of Dioramas featuring Safari ltd, Schleich, Kaiyodo, Bullyland and many others when you click on them. The Dinosaur Toy Forun has 2015 figures releases information. I will update this again after the toy Fair in February. update 041716
Safari Ltd.
Wild Safari 2016
CollectA Delux
Mini Boxes
Schleich 2015
Prehistoric Giants
Schleich Klein
Dimorphodon, Therizinosaurus |
Saichania, Giganotosaurus |
Scheich Mini
Quetzelcoatus, Mosasaurus,
Ichthyosaurus, Spinosaurus |
Triceratops, Suchiomimus,
Kentrosaurus, Velociraptor |
Papo 2016
Mini Figures
Good Dinosaur
Tomy Good Dinosaur
Xtra Large, Large Action and Plush
Click on the Site A icon to the right for Dioramas organized by period or by manufacturer.