My own creations in plaster, Das and paper clay
Dino boys making diorama.
The Dinosaur Collector
Frequently asked Questions:
1. Can I use a picture from Dinosaur Collector?
We are happy to allow use of our pictures and ask that you credit Dinosaur Collector. For pictures, we have high-density graphics more suitable to photo quality prints. In the past, we have also produced custom shots on request. Note - some of our pictures are actually submissions and require the original owner’s permission.
2. Can I submit a picture?
We do use submissions, and give credit, but cannot offer any payment. We often use shots in the reference pages, though less often we have used shots on the diorama page. We use shots that are in a diorama format and the mix of figures is from the same period and place. Note - sometimes it takes time to post pages.
3. Can I donate figure? We have been fortunate to receive donation from several wholesalers and retailers, and always try to give credit and links where suitable. Individuals have also kindly donated figures for use.
4. May I link to your site? /Will you link to my site? Please feel free to add us to your links. If you contact us, we normally try and add reciprocal links.
5. Do you trade, sell or buy pieces? Occasionally we buy, less often we sell, and more often we trade; so, if you are looking for some hard to find piece feel free to ask. Normally, we can refer you to private collectors who might be able to help you. Recommended retail sellers are on the My favorite Links page. We certainly don’t mind being asked.
6. If you have comments or suggestions we enjoy hearing from people. rsknol@aol.com
Click on the Site A icon to the right for Dioramas organized by period or by manufacturer.