Dinosaur Train

New York Toy Fair 2011

The 26 small bulk figures are a mixed bag compatible with the Go Diego Figures.   The baby figures and train crew are not remotely realistic but there are better looking Lesothosaurus, Oryctodromeus, Chirostenotes and Michelinoceras.  There also two different extinct turtle species..

Adam Adocus Keenan Chirostenotes Elmer Elasmosaurus Derek DeinonychusMicky MicroraptorLeslie Lesothosaurus Velma Velociraptor Valerie Velociraptor Nick Oryctodromeus Ricky Oryctodromeus Michael Mitch Michelinoceras Ollie Ornithomimus Oren Ornithomimus Pauine ProganochelysPetey PeteinosaurusPaulie Pliosaurus
Dinosaur Train Small figures.